Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 鉤爪(かぎづめ) in Japanese

鉤爪, カギ爪, かぎ爪, 鈎爪
Kana Reading
かぎづめ, カギづめ
kagizume, kagizume
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
    claw; talon
    Example sentence
    その鋭いかぎ爪開いては閉じ、開いては閉じ始めた。 Its sharp claws began to open and close, open and close.

Examples of 鉤爪, カギ爪, かぎ爪, 鈎爪, かぎづめ, カギづめ in a sentence

  • その鋭いかぎ爪開いては閉じ、開いては閉じ始めた。

    Its sharp claws began to open and close, open and close.

Kanji in this word

4 strokes

claw, nail, talon

On'Yomi: ソウ

Kun'Yomi: つめ, つま-

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12 strokes

hook, barb, gaff, brackets

On'Yomi: コウ, ク

Kun'Yomi: かぎ

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13 strokes

hook, barb, gaff, brackets

On'Yomi: コウ, ク

Kun'Yomi: かぎ, はり, ばり

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