Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 翻弄(ほんろう) in Japanese

翻弄, 飜弄
Kana Reading
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
    trifling with; toying with; playing with; making sport of; making fun of; leading around by the nose
    Example sentence
    翻弄されていた The ship was at the mercy of the storm.
  • Parts of speech
    tossing about (a ship)
    Example sentence
    翻弄されていた The ship was at the mercy of the waves.

Examples of 翻弄, 飜弄, ほんろう in a sentence

Kanji in this word


18 strokes

flip, turn over, wave, flutter, change (mind)

On'Yomi: ホン, ハン

Kun'Yomi: ひるがえ.る, ひるがえ.す

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7 strokes

play with, tamper, trifle with

On'Yomi: ロウ, ル

Kun'Yomi: いじく.る, ろう.する, いじ.る, ひねく.る, たわむ.れる, もてあそ.ぶ

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21 strokes

flip over, upset, capsize

On'Yomi: ハン, ホン

Kun'Yomi: ひるがえ.す, ひるがえ.る

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