Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 撓わ(たわわ) in Japanese

撓わ, 撓
Kana Reading
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
    (of a branch heavily laden with fruit, etc.) drooping; bending
    Example sentence
    そのにはたわわになっていた。 The tree was heavy with fruit.

Examples of 撓わ, 撓, たわわ in a sentence

  • そのにはたわわになっていた。

    The tree was heavy with fruit.

Kanji in this word

15 strokes

bend, train, lithe

On'Yomi: トウ, キョウ, コウ, ジョウ

Kun'Yomi: たわ.む, しな.う, しお.る, たわ.める, みだ.す, みだ.れる

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