Japanese Dictionary

Kanji literal and JLPT

Kanji Details for 繰

Strokes count

Strokes: 19

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winding, reel, spin, turn (pages), look up, refer to
  • ソウ
  • く.る

Popular Words With This Kanji

  • 繰る

    to reel; to wind; to spin (thread)

    to turn (pages); to flip through (a book); to leaf through (a book); to consult (a dictionary); to refer to (an encyclopedia)

    to count (e.g. the days)

    to open one-by-one; to close one-by-one (e.g. shutters)

  • 絡繰り, 絡繰, 機関

    mechanism; machinery; contrivance; device

    trick; dodge

    mechanical doll; string puppet

  • 絡繰り, 絡繰, 機関

    mechanism; machinery; contrivance; device

    trick; dodge

    mechanical doll; string puppet