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Thank you! No Problem. ありがとう!

A very good explanation! 説明が分かりました!

Posted 6 years ago



My apologies for taking 3days to respond to this!

Anyhow, this is a tricky question but I will try my best to answer as clearly as I can!

So, I understand that there is no particle after the plain verb and directly connects to the adjective. But let's put it this way:

想像をこえるきびしいもの can aslo be said like these; "想像をこえるほどにきびしいもの" and "想像をこえてきびしいもの" All three of them basically mean the same. And as you can see, the second one has a particle "に" and the third one has the conjugated verb "こえて" which makes it compatible with the adjective. The first one, however, has no particle, but I think of it as "that" in English. You know, just as "that" does not necessarily have to be in a sentece for example, "Life during the war was severe 'that' it was beyond imagination"

But we often take out the particle and conjugation just like English sometimes chooses not to use "that"

I hope this makes sense and that helps you!

Let me know for further questions!



Posted 6 years ago


Hello !

'戦争時における生活は、想像をこえるきびしいものであった。= Life during the war was severe beyond imagination.'


Why is there no particle after 'koeru'? Can plain verbs precede adjectives without particles?

Posted 6 years ago