Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 倡佯(しょうよう) in Japanese

倡佯, 倘佯, 徜徉
Kana Reading
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru

Kanji in this word

8 strokes

pretend, feign, false, deceitful

On'Yomi: ヨウ

Kun'Yomi: いつわ.る

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10 strokes

if, supposing, in event of, dullness

On'Yomi: ショウ, トウ

Kun'Yomi: もし, たちもとほ.る

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10 strokes

prostitute, actor

On'Yomi: ショウ

Kun'Yomi: とな.える, わざおぎ

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9 strokes

wonder, rove, stray, hesitating

On'Yomi: ヨウ

Kun'Yomi: さまよ.う

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11 strokes

walking and fro, lingering, wander

On'Yomi: ショウ

Kun'Yomi: さまよ.う

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