New Japanese Lessons Are Here! やったあああ!

Published August 2nd, 2016

Hope you had a nice vacation...

Because we're back with NEW LESSONS!

We may have taken a little break over the summer, but now we're back in action. We hope you went to the beach and had a blast, but now it's time to get back to work. With just five more lessons, we will have covered everything from the JLPT N5 and N4! Stay tuned for updates about our brand new section covering the N3.

In Other News...

Have you heard about the Daily Joyo Kanji Challenge? Each day we are learning THREE new kanji until we cover all 2,136 of the joyo kanji learned in schools. Join our Facebook group to follow along every day and join the email list for printable flashcards, weekly recaps, and exclusive discounts! how to learn kanji join the challenge 300px---


Are You Keeping Up?

We've just released more advanced Japanese lessons to take your Nihongo to the next level! If you complete these, you're almost ready to take the N4!

If you're ready to keep learning, then let's get to it.

For the Sake of...

japanese lessonsYou might have been asked why you're studying Japanese. There are all sorts of good reasons. After this lesson, you'll be able to describe your reason, or purpose, for studying Japanese! Cool, isn't it?

Too Many Requests?

japanese lessons onlineSometimes we need to request or ask somebody to do a certain thing. You may want to describe your detailed request. Here's the expression for that!

What’s the Speciality?

online japanese lessonsWhat is your hometown famous for? Or, you may find some local specialty of a city where you visit. Let's talk about the specialties in Japanese!

There’s No Doubt!

japanese lessons onlineThere is nothing wrong about arguing! You shouldn't give in so easily. Let's master how to describe that you're 100% sure about your opinion!

Hot or Cold?

Which do you use to refer air temperature, Celsius or Fahrenheit? If you're used to use degrees Fahrenheit, you may need to learn Celsius before you visit Japan. Remember to visit the Classroom to unlock even more drills to match these new lessons! Soon, you'll be on your way to becoming a Nihongo Master!