Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of ぎっくり腰(ぎっくりごし) in Japanese

ぎっくり腰, ギックリ腰
Kana Reading
ぎっくりごし, ギックリごし
gikkurigoshi, gikkurigoshi
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
    strained back; slipped disk; lumbosacral strain
    Example sentence
    そっちこそギックリ腰立てなくなっておいて帰りますよ。 You worry about yourself. If you put your back out and can't stand we'll go home without you!

Examples of ぎっくり腰, ギックリ腰, ぎっくりごし, ギックリごし in a sentence

  • そっちこそギックリ腰立てなくなっておいて帰りますよ。

    You worry about yourself. If you put your back out and can't stand we'll go home without you!

  • ぎっくり腰なのです

    I have a strained back.

Kanji in this word


13 strokes

loins, hips, waist, low wainscoting

On'Yomi: ヨウ

Kun'Yomi: こし

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