Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 漏洩(ろうえい) in Japanese

漏洩, 漏泄, 漏えい
Kana Reading
ろうえい, ろうせつ
rōei, rōsetsu
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
    disclosure; leakage (e.g. of gas or liquids or information); escape (e.g. of gas)
    Example sentence
    漏えいすぐに食いとめる必要ある The leak needs to be stopped immediately.

Examples of 漏洩, 漏泄, 漏えい, ろうえい, ろうせつ in a sentence

Kanji in this word


14 strokes

leak, escape, time

On'Yomi: ロウ

Kun'Yomi: も.る, も.れる, も.らす

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9 strokes

leak, escape

On'Yomi: エイ, セツ

Kun'Yomi: も.らす, の.びる, も.れる

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8 strokes


On'Yomi: セツ, エイ

Kun'Yomi: も.れる

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