Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 吝嗇る(ケチる) in Japanese

Kana Reading
ケチる, けちる
kechiru, kechiru
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    Godan verb with `ru' ending
    to be stingy; to scrimp
    Example sentence
    宿代ケチって野宿しました We skimped on the hotel fees and slept outside.

Examples of 吝嗇る, ケチる, けちる in a sentence

Kanji in this word

7 strokes

miserly, stingy, sparing

On'Yomi: リン

Kun'Yomi: しわ.い, やぶさ.かな, おし.む

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13 strokes

miserly, stingy, sparing

On'Yomi: ショク

Kun'Yomi: やぶさ.か, おし.む

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