Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of ぽかん in Japanese

ぽかん, ポカン, ぱかん, パカン
pokan, pokan, pakan, pakan
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    adverb taking the `to' particle
    vacantly; blankly; absentmindedly
    Example sentence
    ぽかんした顔つきそこ立っていた He was standing there with a vacant look.
  • Parts of speech
    openmouthed; with one's mouth wide-open; gaping; flabbergasted
    Example sentence
    そのぽかんと開けて見つめた That child stared at me, his mouth agape.
  • Parts of speech
    with a whack; with a thump

Examples of , ぽかん, ポカン, ぱかん, パカン in a sentence