Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 繧繝(うんげん) in Japanese

繧繝, 暈繝
Kana Reading
うんげん, うげん
ungen, ugen
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
    method of dying in which a color repeatedly goes from dense to diffuse, diffuse to dense - imported from western China and used in Buddhist pictures, temple ornaments, etc., during the Nara and Heian periods

Kanji in this word

13 strokes

halo, corona, fade

On'Yomi: ウン

Kun'Yomi: ぼか.す, ぼか.る, かさ, くま, ぼかし, めまい

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18 strokes

a method of dyeing

On'Yomi: カン, ケン


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18 strokes

a method of dyeing

On'Yomi: ウン


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