Japanese Dictionary
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Meaning of 計算機出力マイクロフィルム印字装置 in Japanese
Kana Readingけいさんきしゅつりょくマイクロフィルムいんじそうち
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- computer output microfilm printer; COM printer
Related Kanji
6 strokes
stamp, seal, mark, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, India
On'Yomi: イン
Kun'Yomi: しるし, -じるし, しる.す
12 strokes
attire, dress, pretend, disguise, profess
On'Yomi: ソウ, ショウ
Kun'Yomi: よそお.う, よそお.い
6 strokes
character, letter, word, section of village
On'Yomi: ジ
Kun'Yomi: あざ, あざな, -な
14 strokes
calculate, divining, number, abacus, probability
On'Yomi: サン
Kun'Yomi: そろ
13 strokes
placement, put, set, deposit, leave behind, keep, employ, pawn
On'Yomi: チ
Kun'Yomi: お.く, -お.き
16 strokes
mechanism, opportunity, occasion, machine, airplane
On'Yomi: キ
Kun'Yomi: はた
2 strokes
power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert
On'Yomi: リョク, リキ, リイ
Kun'Yomi: ちから
5 strokes
exit, leave, go out, come out, put out, protrude
On'Yomi: シュツ, スイ
Kun'Yomi: で.る, -で, だ.す, -だ.す, い.でる, い.だす