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Meaning of 明示的並列命令コンピューティング技術 in Japanese
Kana Readingめいじてきへいれつめいれいコンピューティングぎじゅつ
Word Senses
- Parts of speech
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
- Meaning
- EPIC:Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
Related Kanji
8 strokes
row, and, besides, as well as, line up, rank with, rival, equal
On'Yomi: ヘイ, ホウ
Kun'Yomi: な.み, なら.べる, なら.ぶ, なら.びに
8 strokes
fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint
On'Yomi: メイ, ミョウ
Kun'Yomi: いのち
7 strokes
skill, art, craft, ability, feat, performance, vocation, arts
On'Yomi: ギ
Kun'Yomi: わざ
11 strokes
art, technique, skill, means, trick, resources, magic
On'Yomi: ジュツ
Kun'Yomi: すべ
5 strokes
show, indicate, point out, express, display
On'Yomi: ジ, シ
Kun'Yomi: しめ.す
8 strokes
bull's eye, mark, target, object, adjective ending
On'Yomi: テキ
Kun'Yomi: まと
8 strokes
bright, light
On'Yomi: メイ, ミョウ, ミン
Kun'Yomi: あ.かり, あか.るい, あか.るむ, あか.らむ, あき.らか, あ.ける, -あ.け, あ.く, あ.くる, あ.かす