Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 喉ちんこ(のどちんこ) in Japanese

Kana Reading
のどちんこ, ノドチンコ
nodochinko, nodochinko
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
    Example sentence
    あお向け寝ると、ノドチンコがノドの下がるため、上気道が塞がりすくなります。 If you sleep on your back it's easier for your upper airway to be obstructed because your tongue, uvula, etc. slip towards the back of your throat.

Examples of 喉ちんこ, のどちんこ, ノドチンコ in a sentence

  • あお向け寝ると、ノドチンコがノドの下がるため、上気道が塞がりすくなります。

    If you sleep on your back it's easier for your upper airway to be obstructed because your tongue, uvula, etc. slip towards the back of your throat.

Kanji in this word

12 strokes

throat, voice

On'Yomi: コウ

Kun'Yomi: のど

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