
Last Updated 4 years ago

kanji and related vocab

Recently Added Words

    • (うつ)
    • うつる
    Added 4 years ago

    Godan verb with `ru' ending, intransitive verb

    to be reflected; to harmonize with (harmonise); to come out (photo); to be projected

    • 浴室(よくしつ)
    • よくしつ
    Added 4 years ago

    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)

    bathroom; bath

    • 入浴(にゅうよく)
    • にゅうよく
    Added 4 years ago

    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)


    noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru

    to bathe; to take a bath; to enter a bath

    • 草木(くさき)
    • くさき
    • そうもく
    Added 4 years ago

    noun (common) (futsuumeishi)

    plants; vegetation

    • ()
    • ()
    • ほす
    Added 4 years ago

    Godan verb with `su' ending, transitive verb

    to air; to dry; to desiccate

    to drain (off)

    to drink up

    to deprive of a role, job, etc. (usu. in the passive)

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