Plain Past Tense Quiz

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 Words

    • (みが)
    • (みが)
    • みがく
    Added 3 years ago

    Godan verb with `ku' ending, transitive verb

    to polish; to shine; to brush (e.g. teeth)

    to refine; to improve

    • ()ける
    • ()ける
    • かける
    Added 3 years ago

    Ichidan verb, transitive verb

    to hang (e.g. picture); to hoist (e.g. sail); to raise (e.g. flag)

    to sit

    auxiliary verb, Ichidan verb

    to be partway (verb); to begin (but not complete)

    to take (time, money); to expend (money, time, etc.)

    to make (a call)

    to multiply

    to secure (e.g. lock)

    to put on (glasses, etc.)

    to cover

    to burden someone

    to apply (insurance)

    to turn on (an engine, etc.); to set (a dial, an alarm clock, etc.)

    to put an effect (spell, anaesthetic, etc.) on

    to hold an emotion for (pity, hope, etc.)

    to bind

    to pour (or sprinkle, spray, etc.) onto

    to argue (in court); to deliberate (in a meeting); to present (e.g. idea to a conference, etc.)

    to increase further

    to catch (in a trap, etc.)

    to set atop

    to erect (a makeshift building)

    to hold (a play, festival, etc.)

    auxiliary verb

    (after -masu stem of verb) indicates (verb) is being directed to (someone)

    • (なじ)らない
    • ()まらない
    • つまらない
    Added 3 years ago

    adjective (keiyoushi)

    dull; uninteresting; boring; tedious

    insignificant; unimportant; trifling; trivial; worthless

    absurd; foolish; silly

    useless; pointless; disappointing

    • ()れる
    • ()れる
    • (はこ)れる
    • いれる
    Added 3 years ago

    Ichidan verb, transitive verb

    to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. a tattoo)

    to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire

    to accept; to comply; to grant; to adopt (a policy, etc.); to take (advice, etc.); to listen to; to pay attention to

    to include

    to pay (one's rent, etc.)

    to cast (a vote)

    to make (tea, coffee, etc.)

    to turn on (a switch, etc.)

    to send (a fax); to call

    • (おそ)
    • (にぶ)
    • (ばん)
    • 遲い
    • おそい
    Added 3 years ago

    adjective (keiyoushi)


    late (e.g. "late at night")

    too late

    dull; stupid

    • (あら)
    • あらう
    Added 3 years ago

    Godan verb with `u' ending, transitive verb

    to wash

    to investigate

    • (つよ)
    • つよい
    Added 3 years ago

    adjective (keiyoushi)

    strong; powerful; mighty; potent

    resistant; resilient; durable

    • ()せる
    • みせる
    Added 3 years ago

    Ichidan verb, transitive verb

    to show; to display

    • (よわ)
    • よわい
    Added 3 years ago

    adjective (keiyoushi)

    weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled; weak (wine)