Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼

1,175 Points Remaining
Lv. 3
1,950 / 3,125

New Student


こんにちは! I hope that you are doing well :)

1 decade 6 months 1 week ago Sayuri

^^ Hi Senpai

1 decade 11 months 3 weeks ago Exceed Konata ♓


1 decade 11 months 3 weeks ago Yume

Hey, nice avatar! Also, welcome to Nihongomaster!

1 decade 1 year 1 month ago Nos

Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼 left a comment for (User Deleted)

8 years ago

Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼 left a comment for AwesomeNagisa-歌手

10 years ago

Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼 left a comment for Sayuri

10 years ago

Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼 left a comment for randomwaffles66

10 years ago

Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼 read the lesson 'Polite Name Calling: ~さん'

10 years ago

Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼 unlocked the drill 'Using the Pattern ~は~です。'

10 years ago

Lonewolfsinger 一匹狼 read the lesson 'I...am...John! ~は~です。'

10 years ago