
110 Points Remaining
Lv. 4
4,265 / 4,375

Been studying Japanese forever trying to get over that learning hump.


Ericthemasters unlocked the drill 'The Train Tends to Be Late...'

4 years ago

Ericthemasters completed the lesson 'You are apt to be forgetful!'

4 years ago

Ericthemasters obtained 'Overachiever'

4 years ago

Ericthemasters finished the quiz 'Hiragana や to ん' and scored 100%

4 years ago

Ericthemasters unlocked the drill 'Do you know わ, を and ん?'

4 years ago

Ericthemasters completed the lesson 'Final Hiragana: わ, を and ん'

4 years ago

Ericthemasters obtained 'Study Buddy'

4 years ago

Ericthemasters unlocked the drill 'Last Set: ら to ろ'

4 years ago

Ericthemasters completed the lesson 'Let's Learn R Hiragana ら to ろ'

4 years ago

Ericthemasters unlocked the drill 'や, ゆ, or よ?'

4 years ago