
2,430 Points Remaining
Lv. 4
1,945 / 4,375



wayansam unlocked the drill 'を! Or Is It が?'

1 year ago

wayansam completed the lesson 'Back To The Verbs'

1 year ago

wayansam finished the quiz 'Looking On The Dark Side Of Things' and scored 100%

1 year ago

wayansam unlocked the drill 'Work Hard And Good Luck!'

1 year ago

wayansam completed the lesson 'アマンダさん Runs Into A Friend'

1 year ago

wayansam unlocked the drill 'The Negative Side To Verbs'

1 year ago

wayansam completed the lesson 'Let's Talk About Verbs'

1 year ago

wayansam unlocked the drill 'Talk About That Weather'

1 year ago

wayansam completed the lesson 'Today's A Nice Day'

1 year ago

wayansam unlocked the drill 'Give In To The ~くありません'

1 year ago