
575 Points Remaining
Lv. 5
5,050 / 5,625



Saya suka anime

6 years 3 months 2 weeks ago Nengsih

yoo do you like anime ?

8 years 1 month 5 days ago smail.elarroum

Dennis finished the quiz 'Some Quizzes Are More Difficult Than Others' and scored 100%

4 years ago

Dennis unlocked the drill 'Kanji! Kanji! Kanji! '

4 years ago

Dennis completed the lesson 'Keep On Studying More Kanji! (3)'

4 years ago

Dennis answered Jay's question 'Leveling Up'

4 years ago

Dennis unlocked the drill 'Hello Mother...'

4 years ago

Dennis completed the lesson 'Hello son, how have you been?'

4 years ago

Dennis unlocked the drill 'Don't Tell a Lie! '

4 years ago

Dennis completed the lesson 'To My Surprise, ...'

4 years ago

Dennis unlocked the drill 'I Don't Think So...'

4 years ago

Dennis completed the lesson 'Unlikely to do...'

4 years ago