Nihon Scope

7,310 Points Remaining
Lv. 10
4,565 / 11,875

I've been learning Japanese for over 20 years on the side. I live in Fukuoka, Japan. I own where I help people come to Japan to go to school, live and work! Currently I'm in the mountains of Yame-shi, Fukuoka in a village called Hoshinomura where TONS of green tea is growing everywhere.


そうですね。僕もすき家が大好きですよ。牛丼は美味しいけど親子丼の方が美味しいと思います。(笑) 必要は正しいですよ。漢字は時々難しくなりますよね。

3 years 7 months 2 weeks ago AnoOtaku


3 years 7 months 2 weeks ago AnoOtaku

Thanks for your message, it's great that you've made it to Japan and I was very happy to read it! I'll be following your blog for sure. I hope you have an incredible time over there!

7 years 3 months 1 week ago plebaap

Hey check out my wife and I's Japanese blog at - it's a before, during and after blog of going to school in Fukuoka, Japan. We'll be putting out videos and all that fun stuff later. So drop by our site and check us out on FB and Twitter and other places. Just search 'Nihon Scope' and you can find any platform you want to follow us on on Google.

7 years 8 months 2 weeks ago Nihon Scope BOOM!!

9 years 1 month 2 weeks ago Nihon Scope

Haha Griffith your message put a ridiculously large smile on my face, thank you so much! I'm sure I'll see you at the top soon! Let's both do our best and tackle this language like it's the only pokemon move in existence!

9 years 1 month 2 weeks ago plebaap

Haven't watched Speed Grapher (haven't even heard of it), but if you recommend it I will certainly watch it when I can.

1 decade 1 week 3 days ago plebaap

The berserk movies are basically recaps of the anime with some more up to date visuals, personally I still prefer the anime. The manga is awesome though, the entire anime is practically just a prelude to the true story. And yes, my profile picture is from Mushishi, also easily one of my favorite anime of all time.

1 decade 1 week 5 days ago plebaap

Oh and by the way, Berserk is my favorite manga ever. It's the only manga I actually read more than once.

1 decade 1 week 5 days ago plebaap

Thanks! Let's see how long I can keep the lead, be sure to join in on the fight!

1 decade 1 week 5 days ago plebaap

Nihon Scope left a comment for Musashi

1 year ago

Nihon Scope finished the quiz 'Mastering The Dictionary Form' and scored 90%

3 years ago

Nihon Scope unlocked the drill 'Get Going With Godan'

3 years ago

Nihon Scope completed the lesson 'Dictionary Form, Part Deux'

3 years ago

Nihon Scope unlocked the drill 'Practicing The Dictionary Form'

3 years ago

Nihon Scope completed the lesson 'Reading The Dictionary Is Fun'

3 years ago

Nihon Scope left a comment for エリザベス

3 years ago

Nihon Scope unlocked the drill 'It's Not As Bad As It Looks'

3 years ago

Nihon Scope completed the lesson 'Really! I Mean, Really!'

3 years ago

Nihon Scope finished the quiz 'Time Out! Too Much Verbage' and scored 98%

3 years ago