3,100 Points Remaining
Lv. 6
3,775 / 6,875



EM completed the lesson 'This. That. No, THAT.'

1 year ago

EM unlocked the drill 'This, That, Or THAT?'

1 year ago

EM unlocked the drill 'What Is This, In Japanese?'

1 year ago

EM completed the lesson 'Yes, I Understand'

1 year ago

EM finished the quiz 'Hiragana Final Test' and scored 94%

1 year ago

EM unlocked the drill 'I'm Fine, Thanks'

1 year ago

EM completed the lesson 'How...ARE...You'

1 year ago

EM finished the quiz 'So How Old Is This Cake?' and scored 84%

1 year ago

EM unlocked the drill 'Cake Or Cookies'

2 years ago

EM completed the lesson 'ジョンさん Goes To The Store'

2 years ago