Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of くるくる in Japanese

くるくる, クルクル
kurukuru, kurukuru
Word Senses
  • Parts of speech
    adverb (fukushi), adverb taking the `to' particle
    whirling; revolving; spinning; going round and round
    Example sentence
    木の葉くるくる舞っていた。 The leaves whirled in the yard.
  • Parts of speech
    coiling around; winding around; rolling around
    Example sentence
    言うことくるくる変わる He's always changing his mind.
  • Parts of speech
    working tirelessly; working hard
    Example sentence
    は、世界くるくる回っているのがわかるんだ The eyes in his head see the world spinning round.
  • Parts of speech
    constantly changing
    Example sentence
    若い女性前髪クルクルさせるのは、モードはない。 It's not the mode for young girls to curl their bangs.

Examples of , くるくる, クルクル in a sentence